If the typical user is listed as a Server Administrator, this indicates that the command is for administrating a server and is usually run by administrators of the proxy. If the typical user is listed as a Player, this indicates that the command is used by both players and server administrators.


  • <required argument> – this argument is required for executing the command.
  • [optional argument] – this argument is not required for executing the command.


/alert <message>
Permission Node: bungeecord.command.alert
Issues an alert to all users connected to BungeeCord. Colour codes may be used with &. The special code &h will hide all default formatting, allowing for completely custom messages.

Defaulted – admin
Typical user – Server Administrator

This is most useful for announcements that need to be shown across every server.

/alertraw <json>
Permission Node: bungeecord.command.alert
Issues an alert to all users connected to BungeeCord, but allows the use of Minecraft JSON formatting.

Defaulted – admin
Typical user – Server Administrator

Shows what version of BungeeCord is currently being run.

Defaulted – all
Typical user – Player

Permission Node: bungeecord.command.end
Shuts down the BungeeCord instance, and disconnects any users connected.

Defaulted – admin
Typical user – Server Administrator

/find <player>
Permission Node: bungeecord.command.find
Confirms whether a player with the username provided is online and determines which server the player is connected to.

Defaulted – none
Typical user – Server Administrator

Permission Node: bungeecord.command.list
Shows a list of all players connected to BungeeCord. This list is separated by each individual server on the BungeeCord proxy and provides a total player count on the proxy.

Defaulted – default
Typical user – Player

Permission Node: bungeecord.command.reload
Reloads the BungeeCord configuration. Similar to the Bukkit reload command, this is not intended to be used on a regular basis, and can lead to unexpected behaviour. The command will reload all servers, listeners and a few options from the configuration. It will not reload permissions or plugins.

Defaulted – admin
Typical user – Server Administrator

/ip <player>
Permission Node: bungeecord.command.ip
Shows the real IP address of a player connected to BungeeCord. This command exists since using an IP command with a Bukkit plugin, such as Essentials, could possibly return as localhost due to the way BungeeCord works.

Defaulted – admin
Typical user – Server Administrator

Shows all permissions you have, and all groups which you are in.

Defaulted – admin
Typical user – Player and Server Administrator

/send <player/current/all> <target>
Permission Node: bungeecord.command.send
Sends the specified player(s) to the specified server. Passing “all” will send all players who are on the proxy but not on the target server. Passing a player name will send the specified player, and “current” will send all players on your server.

Defaulted – None
Typical user – Server Administrator

/server [server]
Permission Node: bungeecord.command.server
When used with an argument, transfers you to the specified server. When used with no arguments, lists all servers you can connect to.

Defaulted – default
Typical user – Player