Open Powershell as admin


Get-VM | ForEach { $Vm = $_; $_.HardDrives } | ForEach {
$GetVhd = Get-VHD -Path $_.Path
Vm = $Vm.Name
Name = $_.Name
Type = $GetVhd.VhdType
ProvisionedGB = ($GetVhd.Size / 1GB)
CommittedGB = ($GetVhd.FileSize / 1GB)
} | Export-Csv -Delimiter “;” -Path “C:\temp\VMVHDStorageUsedTotal.csv”


Creates CSV with data in one column, select column in excel, go to data tab, then text to columns > Delimiter > Semicolon

Excel file would look like this:

Vm Name Type ProvisionedGB CommittedGB
GW1 Hard Drive on IDE controller number 0 at location 0 Dynamic 60 45.12890625
GW2 Hard Drive on SCSI controller number 0 at location 0 Dynamic 40 28.97265625